Note : most screenshots are using the french locale, but english is also available.

Local library

Location : The location of the Sharemedia library. Imported media will be copied to this directory and organized automatically. It is recommended to use an new, empty directory.

Automatically set author : Set author name on import if this field is empty. Use your name if you are importing files from your computer or your contact's name if you are downloading a file

Jabber advanced settings

Media sharing will work as long as you are able to connect to the jabber network (basically, as long as you are connected to the internet). But transfer speed can be improved if you tune some settings :

IP address and auto detect : if auto detect is selected, sharemedia will try to guess your IP address using a remote website (currently If you want to speed up things a little or if sharemedia guessing fails, you can enter you IP address manually.

Port : In order to send a file, sharemedia tries to create a direct connection between the 2 users. The SENDER must be directly reachable (have an open port that can be used from an external computer). If a direct connection can't be set up, sharemedia falls back to a slower method using a proxy. You can specify the open port that can be used to create direct connections.